New Up and Coming Producer and Songwriter Jared Brown ( JB) Of WaayBetterMusic Productions shares an interview with me and discuss his future career plans, how he feels about hip hop, and what he looks for in an artist. He also discuss his new website development and the new artist he's worked with recently. If your looking for a beat and looking to be made into a star and you got the talent, this is the dude to call.
What do you look for when working with An artist?
I look for a combination of talent, drive, and overall chemistry. We must understand each other's goal and work towards them together
Whats the difference between a producer and a beat maker? Is there A difference?
A producer sees a project from start to finish, organizes studio sessions, etc. A beat maker may only be involved in the music aspect of a song or project.
What Production Have You Done?
I've done tracks for artists including Kaos da Don, Rainn,and EJ da Kid
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
In 5 years I will have a super team of artists, writers and producers working with big name independent and major label artists.
How long does it usually take to create a perfect song for your liking?
From start to finish, to marry a track with vocals it can take up to a week or longer but some songs write themselves and take a couple days.
Whats your usual creative process as far as your production, writing, and the artists you work with?
I start with drums and chords, then I start humming words or melodies. After that I take the song to the studio and demo whatever ideas I may have. Then I either ask another writer to give ideas or finish and find an artist for the song.
Where is hip hop now, where do you think its going, and Do you think it can survive in the state that its in (Good or Bad)?
I think musically, hip-hop is in a good place. Business-wise some entity must figure out a way to create loyal music buyers and take advantage of the digital revolution. Music will never die, but more attention needs to paid to artist development and creative marketing.
Do you see a difference in Hip Hop And Rap? If not what are the similarities?
Most say that Rap is a form of music and hip-hop is an overall culture. I agree sort of, but the lines have been blurred so they've become interchangeable. I think hip-hop is the ultimate melting pot of culture including clothes, art, music, and way of life. Everybody wants to be hip-hop.
Where do you see the future of Hip Hop?
I think hip-hop is in the hands of the fans. Fans have to stand up and demand the kind of music they want to listen to. I hope that balance will come back to music, with lyrical rapper coming to the forefront and the return of REAL R&B. There is a lot of talent out there, we just have to support it. Too often we let the labels decide what we listen to. We have some power in selecting our music and now more than ever it must be exercised.
In a business that's so disposable, whats the secret to your Longevity?
Well I haven't been in the game too long, but I know the secret is consistency and constant innovation. I think giving people opportunities and making connections is key to longevity.
Whats the best advice that you've given an artist and what advice do you have for artist on the come up?
I tell artists that if you work hard,things will happen. You have to surround yourself with good, talented people and invest in your career. Don't expect handouts and freebies all of the time.
Is it hard for you to find an artist to record the type of music you make as a producer?
It's tough to find artists whose work ethic matches their talk. I find a lot of artists who want beats but aren't ready to seriously record and promote a record.
What are your latest productions that you have been working on?
My website, waaybettermusic.com is my next big production. A side from that I've mainly been collaborating with other producers and songwriters to expand my sound.
Who's your major inspiration and motivation for the work you do?
I love old school music! I'm inspired by producers that came before me. From Quincy Jones to Mannie Fresh. I'm inspired my my dreams, my family, and other people who love what they do everyday.
How do you describe your signature sound and what you create?
My sound changes up a lot. I don't work with a template too often so my sound is just based on a moment. I love to combine samples with my own ideas and I think that opens up my creativity.
Has there ever been a time, where you felt like this type of career wasn't for you? Were these your original plans from the start?
I've been a musician since I was 12 and never really stopped being one. I had other careers in mind but in the end I want to make music and help others make music daily.
Who do you think is hottest out right now and do you think they will be able to last in their career?
Obviously Drake, Wayne and Nicki are top dogs. I question the timelessness of their music though so I don't how long they'll be around, but time will tell. I really like Adele also. Based on how she has risen and the clear emotion and passion in her music, I think she will have a long career.
For More Information Visit waaybettermusic.com